A little more settled

So I've been here for nearly a week, and I'm starting to get a feel for things. I've been in and out of the city twice, getting a better feel for the bus and stops, gone to a few parties, and had a beer+ for every day I've been in the country (doing my part for 1 beer per man/woman/child per day on this island).

I haven't really been updating at all because the only chance I'm getting to do so is in the morning. I'm actually sitting near the library terminals now, waiting for lunch and an orientation meeting later. The days are so long here, there is so much to do (like buy silverware), and the nights are incredibly active. I don't get time at night to update like I normally would because I would miss out on a ton.

I have some pictures to upload of my room, my bad-ass key, and the view outside my window (i really like it), but my website is being crappy and won't let me upload pictures. Horray.

I'm sure you all want to be regaled with tales of meeting people and drinking (and trust me, there are stories, and there shall be more), but I really can't think of where to start or what to include. I'm getting internet in the dorms are the 18th (hopefully), so hopefully I'll get the story of the first few days by then. And then a few more. Anyway, I need to go make lunch. No preservatives in this country - everything goes out of date really fast (they guys last night were STUNNED that bread can last 2 weeks and Deep End has $0.25 beer night).



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