Room: Secured

Thursday, July 20. 2006
I got mailing #2 from Ireland today: my room assignment. It's starting to hit home that in a little more than a month, I'm packing up as much as I can carry and taking a 6+ hour flight to another continent. And when I get there, I'll have no phone, no internet access, and no clue how to get around the city. Compound that with the little to no money I'll be carrying, and I've got myself an adventure.

I've actually just started to get qualms about going. Yesterday and today. Yesterday, it was the sudden realization that I'll know absolutely nobody within a few hundred miles. Absolutely no support net. It's all me. Today, getting into my car after work, I wondered, "Does everyone have a moment in their life when they think, 'what the hell am I doing and what have I gotten myself into?'" And I really hope they do. Despite my 2 brief moment, I'm really looking forward to going and getting in over my head.

But now, I have to go to sleep. I don't know why, but I haven't been able to stay awake lately. I need to get into work at a reasonable hour tomorrow so that I can actually do something before going to lunch.