Bushmills + Tram co = ...

Thursday, November 23. 2006
On monday, the fliers went up. Stoplight party at Tram co. Wednesday night. Stoplight parties take away all of the weird questioning of intention and availability ... so, being a full-on green light, I was going. And I was intending it to be a good night. This would be the story of last night. Oh - and sorry mom.

This month has been marked by essays being due, and me blowing off essays in favor of drinking (amanda is such a good influence on me). Mikey's been in the library 24/7. That's why, when the pre-decided departure time of 10pm rolled around, I was alone in my room with a mostly full bottle of bushmills (white label). Amanda was making jello, drinking, and talking to me on IM, so i wasn't really alone... I opened up the bottle and started in. After all, it was going to be a good night, right?

Mikey finally gets back and powers through a beer. Matt shows up w/ his Russian flask full of Russian vodka (he got back Tuesday) and starts in. I'm about an inch and a half down into my whiskey. Maybe a bit more. Mikey took a shot or two, I drank a little more, and looking at the bottle now, I have about an inch and a half left. I wonder where all of that went.

We get to the bus stop at about 11. Busses normally make their last run at 11:30, but campus bouncers told us that they'd already made the last run for the night. The next stop was a 5 minute walk away... but the B&L society was running free busses. I'd met the guy handing out tickets before, so I knew he was legit. Sure enough, 5 minutes later, we were all on the overcrowded bus headed to tram co.

I fucking hate waiting in queues to get into bars. And this one was sooo long. Maybe it was the fact that we were getting there with 3 or 4 other busses. Maybe it was the fact that it was raining. Good thing alcohol is an umbrella (I was beyond the point of caring -- I was going to a stoplight party and it was going to be grand). We made it in, I get my sticker, and I get my drink. Guinness. Not the best one ever, but decent. We took some pictures, talked, and headed upstairs. I see a German and Italian friend, I think I have another beer at this point, and ...

So I wake up this morning next to a tree and a road cone. There are 2 chairs flipped upside down in my room and I'm using one of Mikey's cardboard boxes as a pillow. I am confused. My watch says 14:40, but swears it is 11:15. A glance at my laptop and some math confirms that I'm in fact 2+ hours late for my first class. And 15 minutes late for my second. Screw them all - I'm going to bed. After I pee.

Underneath all of the crap that is EVERYWHERE in my room, I find my pants. In them, I have a wallet, 10 euro in cash and some coins. That's funny... didn't I mention taking pictures before? My camera isn't on my desk. Or floor. And no ring when somebody calls my cell phone.

At this point: I'm pissed (off). Not only did I completely miss the party and my chance to hit on an absurd number of girls (hey, you have to be a dick sometime), I'm missing stuff. I have good friends (well, minus sharpee'ing my face while I was in bed w/o shoes -- so against the rules), though, so 50/50 they have my stuff. Luckily Matt had my camera, so that just left the phone.

I get an IM from amanda, who is in full Julia Childs mode despite not knowing who Julia Childs is and never really cooking in her life. I was supposed to rip the crap out of the bird, but I needed to shower. I'm not walking around campus with 1/2 the ink from my sharpee on my face. [as a side note, thanks to rachel for forcing me to learn how to get sharpee off fast and effectively. I haven't really had to do it since my 21 birthday/scuba final. IT WAS ON MY BACK AND MY EAR!] Luckily, her roomie had done it by the time I got out of the shower, so I'm off the hook until 20 minutes from now. So the IM starts off, "I found your phone, kinda." Can any of you guess where it is? No? Cab driver. I still don't really know why he's got it, but he's dropping it off at 10 tonight. It should be in interesting conversation.

But all day today, I've been seeing the people I saw last night. They all just giggle when they see me coming. But whatever, I was amusing. They all had a good time, and the only thing still missing is a 6 year old belt. I also keep getting notes telling me where my phone is. I suppose I don't regret that it happened, but I would have rather it not happened. Getting kicked out of yet another bar (this time for using the lady's bathroom) isn't setting a good trend. Maybe I should slow down. Maybe I should eat more than eggs and toast before a heavy night of drinking. I just didn't feel that drunk. And I didn't have that much (1/2 a bottle is still the quite coherent stage for me).

And that's perfect timing considering that in less than 12 hours, I'm going to be on a plane to Germany for the sole purpose of buying liquor.