I hadn't seen a rainbow in months

Saturday, February 24. 2007
The other day, I was thinking that for all of the living in Ireland I do, I see very few rainbows anymore. In fact, I hasn't seen one in probably 3 or 4 months. But after finishing my job today, it started to drizzle a bit. Irish drizzle. This is a kind of rain where there aren't so much drops as a constant mist. Think of those "misting areas" in theme parks on really hot summer days. Off to the east was a gigantic rainbow with the full spread of colors. It was probably 3/4 of an arch too. So pretty good.

But now, off to eat lunch, swing by a church in the city, and settle in at O'Neill's for the Ireland vs. England game. I hope Italy beats Scotland. Franklin's parents are in town and watching it with him already.