Breaking more rules

In the study abroad orientation meetings, they tell you not to do a few simple things. No matter what you do, don't put yourself in undue risk of physical harm, don't travel by yourself (esp. to meet people you don't know in unfamiliar parts of town), and don't go to political demonstrations (esp. those against your home country).

If I broke the first rule by bungie jumping friday, I smashed the other two on Saturday when I went out to meet some guys from to take photos around Dublin.

It was a rainy day, meeting on the north side of the Liffey (the bad side), and I had an infection that was bringing me down like a squirrel mistakenly hit by a bear tranquilizer (well, my throat was sore and I didn't have a voice, but the simile is more dramatic). We started at the Garden of Rememberance where a political demonstration was scheduled to take place and got soaked. About an hour behind schedule (or in Irish, "on time"), the demonstration started and proceeded down O'Connell street. 4 of the 5 of us jumped under an movie theatre's awning when the rain got to be a bit to much (we were all using digital cameras, mind you), leaving one nut-job to capture the best photo-journalistic shots among us.

Just after that, the 4 of us sought refuge in a starbucks south of the river; the nut-job joined up about half an hour later. By the time we left, it was drier (dry being a relative term in this country), and we walked west towards the Guinness factory. We made it, then turned back east towards the docklands, nabbing some great photos along the way. The guys were all super-chill and humble considering the shots they got.

So, a few pictures for now, if you care to look. You should definitely check out Noah's pictures as he gets the prize for about the most evokative photographer I've seen (let alone met).

The film/art students pictures:
me, Noah, Darren, and more generally his Flickr because he's darn good at what he does.

and the crazy photo-journalist

Mine are at my normal place and generally don't hold a candle what what they were shooting. I also uploaded them all because I'm too lazy/lacking in equipment to sort through them, so there are a bunch. The only one I think I really like is this urban "landscape" and perhaps this this lady.

So anyways, that's what I did this weekend. That and lay in bed wanting to rip out my throat. What did you do?


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