I never update

I realize that I never update this silly thing. In part, it's due to the fact that nobody reads it. In part, it's due to the fact that I haven't left the country yet. I'm still sitting at home doing nothing for most of the day. When I am doing something, it is usually the boring stuff related to school or moving -- mails, vaccinations, classes. Nobody wants to hear about that. Oh yeah - and reading about my impending doom in the security line at the airport (not that I really mind). I don't think terrorists scare me, they just make me angry. They need jobs. And a beer, if they deem it not to be against their religion.

What I will say, briefly, is that I miss the scenery of the Chapel Hill/Triangle area (and I don't mean the trees). I don't know if it has really gotten out of hand of if I'm just used to super-thin Chapel Hill people (Jeff -- if you're reading, I'm sorry I don't have pictures). And before you say I'm shallow, I'm concerned that a nurse in my doctor's office has trouble moving. Maybe I'm just noticing it.

Anyways - Panthers game tomorrow.

And as always - thanks to Nigel for enlightening me as to the ways of the rest of the world (I feel dumb that international phone numbers confuse me).


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